We had a fabulous meeting in September, due in no small part to our brilliant speaker- Jayne Owens. There were loads of new faces and friends we haven't seen in a while. If you enjoyed the meeting, please do think about joining. If you haven't visited us, why not?
![]() Welbeck Abbey
On Thursday September 2nd a group from the WI and some friends had a fantastic visit to Welbeck Abbey. We had a fascinating tour of the house, then an excellent lunch. Some of us even managed to go around the Harley Gallery and Portland Collection, as well as visit the farm shop. Thanks to Anne R. for organizing it, and here's looking forward to more trips soon!
Maureen Justice
Due to various reasons during the pandemic, we have sadly lost a few members. Some have moved, some have just not re-joined for various reasons, but there was one particularly who will be dearly missed. Maureen Justice was always in the photos of WI goings on, she was always there helping out and pitching in and having a laugh. It was a privilege to have known her, and a sad loss to the WI and the community.
Christmas Foodie FuddleOur favourite time of the year for dressing up and a having some fun time with our friends. Bring along your food contribution to the table, put on your sparkly frock and get creative with dressing up your present for the hotly contested 'Best Wrapped Gift' competition.
This year instead of handing out lots of cards, you may prefer to bring only one card signed to 'Your WI Friend' and the monies saved could be passed on to a charitable cause. |
Latest NewsNext Meeting: March 13th @ 7pm.
Please check on the Federation website to view and sign up for any Federation activities:

Ron Watts - who will from this time forward be called Ron Lennon - sponsored the evenings speaker in remembrance of Maureen Lawrence who passed away last year. It was lovely that Ron was able to join us for the meal surrounded by his and Maureen's friends. As you can see from the picture, he too got into the mood of the evening,
Colourful Parade of Easter Bonnets
10 April 17
There was a surprisingly large number of entries into the Easter Bonnet competition. Mme President lead all the ladies in a parade round the hall whilst Judy Garland sang out
'In our Easter bonnets' and it made a very colourful spectacle.
'In our Easter bonnets' and it made a very colourful spectacle.
WI Fair at Alexander Palace and London Outing

Nicola and Lorraine took a coach trip to London on 28th March with 27 other Notts Federation ladies. Staying at the St Giles Hotel, just off Tottenham Court Road. Sightseeing was first call of the day with us both taking home a little purple Liberties bag from the haberdashery department.

The evening split us up as Nicola went to see Mathilda the Musical and I went to see the new Gary Barlow musical
The Girls based on the film Calendar Girls. Nicola said her show was fantastic, whilst, The Girls was a tearjerker (well we all know how the story goes) but also very positive and life affirming. I have to take my hat off to those ladies of shapes and ages who bared all in front of a West End audience....''We're going to need bigger buns'' !
On the Wednesday we visited the WI Craft Fair at Alexander Palace with lots of stalls from homewares and crafts to clothing and chutneys with some gin tasting along the way.
The Girls based on the film Calendar Girls. Nicola said her show was fantastic, whilst, The Girls was a tearjerker (well we all know how the story goes) but also very positive and life affirming. I have to take my hat off to those ladies of shapes and ages who bared all in front of a West End audience....''We're going to need bigger buns'' !
On the Wednesday we visited the WI Craft Fair at Alexander Palace with lots of stalls from homewares and crafts to clothing and chutneys with some gin tasting along the way.
AGM 2017
Jenny Cawkwell was voted in as President for a second term after delivering an amusing speech based on the tasks she has to do in order to get the WI show on each month. Jenny Quickmire delivered the report on AKSWI's busy year. Tim Cawkwell - (recognise that name) also delivered a thoughtful talk about the role of women in WW2 whilst the committee roles were decided. Of course there was cake to celebrate 3 members who will also celebrate special birthdays later this year.
Hilary Pacey won the delicate glass vase for topping the competition charts for the year.

Hilary hasn't drank all the prosecco - its the
competition winners vase!
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Christmas is always a jolly time for our memebers and our Christmas fuddle is a delight and an indulgance. The table was creaking with fine food and the theatre looked festive wtih decorations on the tables - not to mention the glitter and swish of the ladies dressed up for the party . Mulled wine was served as we were greeted and we were treated to a Murder Mystery performed by the committee who dressed in character and had the members scratching their heads at the whodunnit. I shall not reveal who did the dirty deed, was it Holly Reath or Declan Halls maybe? You will see from the photos that they didnt get away with their dastardly crime.The crime was solved by 'The Stocking Fillers' The annual Best Dressed Present was won this year without any fairy lights on! It must be the Scandi influence from last months craft meeting. We ended the evening with a lively round of The Twelve Days of Christmas and everyone left the hall smiling and full of the spirit of Christmas
AKSWI wish you a peaceful, healthy and prostperous New Year.
Merry Christmas to you all.
AKSWI wish you a peaceful, healthy and prostperous New Year.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Crafty Corner Activity
Jenny Q, Jayne and Lorraine lead members through some craft activities for Christmas. There was a lot of laughter, frustration and tense concentration as members made a lovely selection of folded napkins, origami tree decorations and Scandi inspired painted MDF ornaments and cards. From the Photos you see just how hard all the ladies were concentrating and how much everyone enjoyed these simple undemanding activites.
MacMillan Coffee Morning Success
Member Carole delivered a superb fundraising coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Care. She arranged for a variety of stalls, raffle prizes and even a ukulele band to entertain everyone. She was helped by a number of WI ladies to get the tea and coffee delivered and the cakes were as big on flavour as they were in size. It was a lovely morning with lots of sunshine enabling visitors to spill outside to bask in the warmth. Over £770 was raised for this popular charity and Carole passes on her thanks to all who supported her on the day.
Maureen and Rosanna take 2016 Whist Championship

Congratulations to Ros and Maureen who have collected a handsome trophy after winning the 2016 Whist league. Which one of you gets to dust that for a year then?
Royal Tea Party
Several of our ladies went to a royal tea party. In true WI style the food was superb, lots of tea, scones and cakes all handmade by the federation and served on lovely china plates. The Speaker was ex royal butler William French, who regaled us with stories about serving in the Royal Navy during the Falklands conflict, working for the royals onboard the Royal Yacht Britannia and catering to the whims of the rich and famous including Nicole Kidman.
William French was like the fairytale butler you imagine without the starchiness. He talks about his employers with fondness, like an old governess regaling you with stories of her charges. You can see why the rich and famous clamored to have him. With his charm and wit, he showed a side of the royal family very few are privileged to witness. |
Summer Break
18 August 16
Summer Holidays are here again
Visit to hearing dogs for many of our members and others went to France.
More details on the adventure page to follow.
Visit to hearing dogs for many of our members and others went to France.
More details on the adventure page to follow.
Edwardian House Party

We had fun finding out about all the goings on at an Edwardian House party!
Husbands today may complain about the number of handbags and shoes we feel is essential, at least we don't have five outfits a day that it really would be impossible for us to be seen in more than once. Oh and when you are enjoying the summer sunshine with a picnic, would it really be a rustic outing with tables chairs, and servants?
Personally I think that an Edwardian House Party would be more exhausting than a pleasure. But I loved the idea of charades. Not the tame game we know today. But one that took days of rehearsals and costume changes. It sounds far more fun to try to enact objects and abstract ideas than books and films. But I think the need to have the furniture repaired after each games would get a little trying.
Ann won this stunning arrangement in the raffle. Just what every conservatory needs, a touch of paradise and colour to brighten up even the dullest days.
Husbands today may complain about the number of handbags and shoes we feel is essential, at least we don't have five outfits a day that it really would be impossible for us to be seen in more than once. Oh and when you are enjoying the summer sunshine with a picnic, would it really be a rustic outing with tables chairs, and servants?
Personally I think that an Edwardian House Party would be more exhausting than a pleasure. But I loved the idea of charades. Not the tame game we know today. But one that took days of rehearsals and costume changes. It sounds far more fun to try to enact objects and abstract ideas than books and films. But I think the need to have the furniture repaired after each games would get a little trying.
Ann won this stunning arrangement in the raffle. Just what every conservatory needs, a touch of paradise and colour to brighten up even the dullest days.
Celebrating Her Majesties Birthday in Style
23 June 16

''Let them eat cake'' Well, it might not have been spoken by our own monarch, but this evening we enjoyed a lovely toast to HRH's 90th birthday by raising a glass of bubbles and eating a large slice of strawberry sponge. Very seasonal and very fitting.
You might even spot our VIP guest in this photo.
Happy Birthday Ma'am
Worthy Whist Winners
26th April 16

We were very pleased to hear that stalwart members Maureen Justice and Rosanna Galley have won the 2016 Whist trophy. They were presented with flowers by Jenny and received a hearty round of applause for their whist skills. Well done ladies.
Over 20 members enjoyed our annual meal which was again held at Kelham House. The setting was lovely and the food was delightful and highly complimented (I especially enjoyed the beef). The staff at Kelham house were very obliging and we all went home relaxed and happy from full tummies and good company.
It was announced that Maureen Lawrence a former member of our group and previous resident of Averham has passed away. She was an active, happy soul who enjoyed gardening and spending time with her grandchildren. She will be sadly missed and our condolences are passed on to her husband Ron.
New President Elected
15 Mar 16

Members were delighted to welcome Jenny Cawkwell as our new president for the next three years. Jenny has been a strong and active committee member for a number of years and will prove to be an inspiring president.
Jenny Quickmire will remain in situ as meeting secretary and we are delighted that Angela Moore has agreed to not only join the committee but has taken on the role of Treasurer.
Jenny Quickmire will remain in situ as meeting secretary and we are delighted that Angela Moore has agreed to not only join the committee but has taken on the role of Treasurer.
Annual Dinner 20th APRIL 16 Venue Change News
16 Feb 16

Our original plan to visit The Riverside for our annual dinner has had to be changed and JC has worked very quickly to reserve Kelham House Hotel for the same date. Sorry for the change, but please make sure all your friends know about the new venue.
At the next meeting would you please choose your starters and main course meals.
Two courses are £15
Medley of melon, berries and raspberry coulis
Pate terrine and toasted croutes with homemade chutney
Spiced lentil soup with a swirl of herb yoghurt
Caramelized onion and goats' cheese tartlet with dressed rocket salad
Roast rib of beef and Yorkshire Pudding
Breast of chicken wrapped in bacon with sage jus
Roast loin of pork, black pudding, sage and onion dressing, apricot jus
Grilled pave of salmon with chive hollandaise
Field mushroom and sun dried tomato risotto and parmesan crisp
There will be some WI cake and coffee to follow.
At the next meeting would you please choose your starters and main course meals.
Two courses are £15
Medley of melon, berries and raspberry coulis
Pate terrine and toasted croutes with homemade chutney
Spiced lentil soup with a swirl of herb yoghurt
Caramelized onion and goats' cheese tartlet with dressed rocket salad
Roast rib of beef and Yorkshire Pudding
Breast of chicken wrapped in bacon with sage jus
Roast loin of pork, black pudding, sage and onion dressing, apricot jus
Grilled pave of salmon with chive hollandaise
Field mushroom and sun dried tomato risotto and parmesan crisp
There will be some WI cake and coffee to follow.

Also, the busy Mrs C wants us to experience our own DAY AT THE RACES after the enjoyable visit to the RHT to see the play of the same name. At Southwell Racecourse on 7th March there is a jump meeting and you can enjoy lunch, a race card of the runners and a talk about the racing at Southwell from the comfort and warmth of an inside table for the whole afternoon. The cost is £40 all inclusive, (apart from your bets that is) Please see Jenny as soon as possible about hitching your saddle.
You must have been a beautiful baby
9 Feb 16

The competition for our AGM is a baby photo - it can be of you, a loved one, a funny one or even a furry one.
Lets get our ''Aaahh'' quota up.
I thought with Easter just after our meeting that this pic would fit the bill perfectly.
Protecting Vulnerable Children
14 Feb 16
On a serious note, one of our ladies wishes to highlight a petition which you should consider reading up on. It concerns the worrying fact that 19 children are have died in the past 10 years during visitation granted by courts, when the parent is a known abuser.
Here is the link to an article in The Telegraph which will outline what is happening
and here is the link for the Child First petition.
Please do consider supporting this to protect children from further trauma.
Here is the link to an article in The Telegraph which will outline what is happening
and here is the link for the Child First petition.
Please do consider supporting this to protect children from further trauma.
Centennary Tree Planting
18 Jan 16

Fortunately the weather stayed fine and dry for the tree planting at Averham and Kelham Churches. A sorbus for Averham has been planted to offer colourful leaves and berries for the wildlife with a backdrop of the River Trent. At Kelham, a prunus was chosen to grow tall at the rear of the church yard to fill a space from previously lost or felled trees.
Whilst they don't look much at the moment, little acorns and all that, and in 10 years time, we should revisit to take some more photos of how these little trees have faired. Lets hope they will survive as testimony to our celebration of the WI centenary.
Whilst they don't look much at the moment, little acorns and all that, and in 10 years time, we should revisit to take some more photos of how these little trees have faired. Lets hope they will survive as testimony to our celebration of the WI centenary.
Happy New Year
Now all of the tinsel is down we have started working on the programme planning for the coming year. Fingers crossed all is coming along and we hope to have a programme to entice and interest you. Watch this space.
Party Fever arrives in Averham
15 Dec 15

How long can Ros the Grumpy Elf stay grumpy? Not long at all fortunately.
The party launched with a shake and a bang tonight. Jenny C created a cocktail fun start to the evening and home made crackers showered the ladies - who were all dressed in glittering glamorous outfits - with soaps, hats, jokes and sweets. Without doubt, the food fuddle is a key element of our evening and this years offering I think, was some of the finest ever. As usual the annual present competition is the time for extravagant wrapping and this years entries were inspired. Enjoy the pictures in our gallery.
The party launched with a shake and a bang tonight. Jenny C created a cocktail fun start to the evening and home made crackers showered the ladies - who were all dressed in glittering glamorous outfits - with soaps, hats, jokes and sweets. Without doubt, the food fuddle is a key element of our evening and this years offering I think, was some of the finest ever. As usual the annual present competition is the time for extravagant wrapping and this years entries were inspired. Enjoy the pictures in our gallery.
Stamp Out Waste

We are still collecting those stamps for Hearing Dogs in January. Leave a 1cm edge on the stamp and bring ' em along in the New Year.
Beaumont House Hospice

Instead of writing out loads of cards to each other some members choose to write out only one card to a 'WI Friend' and pop a donation into the donation tin.
We raised an amazing £27 which is a brilliant amount. Thank you to all contributors. Beaumond House Hospice are in special need of funds right now.
We raised an amazing £27 which is a brilliant amount. Thank you to all contributors. Beaumond House Hospice are in special need of funds right now.
Update On Book Race

If you have remembered the book race, we are pleased that some of our books have been on long travels and been enjoyed by many readers. Most of all, they have spread the word about our WI in a little village in England, and hopefully inspired others to look at the work of the NFWI in its 100th year. Responses have been received from Boston (US not UK), Chattanooga, Croatia, France & Oxford. Indeed one of our books was posted from Florida to Japan, maybe we will get contact on this book race in coming years.
Christmas Party Preparations
9 Dec 15

The celebration of the year and we will make the most of it by not dashing away early, we have booked the hall an extra hour so that you can enjoy the fun for longer. The Christmas Party is a favourite time for members and the usual rules apply, bring your plate of food, bring your beautifully and creatively wrapped present and roll out the party glamour.
If you have already forgotten what to bring, use this link and take a look. FUDDLE
If you have already forgotten what to bring, use this link and take a look. FUDDLE
Vintage Murder Mystery Solved
Oct 15
Four members popped along to Oxton Village Hall where a despicable murder took place. Fortunately we had our minds taken off the dastardly deed by the sandwiches and cake served, (No one was sure about the spam or dripping though) We were guided through the case by Hercule Poirrot - none other than our own David Keene. A really pleasant evening and so nice to see Nicola with her fur tippet.
Save Your Stamps
3 Nov 15
The January speaker is from Hearing Dogs and they fundraise by collecting stamps. Please save your stamps, especially as you may get lots of stamps at Christmas on all your cards. It would be lovely to provide a large collection of stamps for January.
Centenary Meal at Kelham House
18 Sept 15

We had a lovely meal at Kelham house on 16th September , the birthday of the WI being founded in 1915. There were 23 ladies all in their finery for the meal with a desert cake being made by Lorraine and Carole in the shape of 100, We were very well looked after by Kelham House and their lovely staff who made sure we were fed and watered to the highest standard. A lovely relaxing social evening. Here are some pictures of the evening.
Wings and Wheels Success
18 Sept 15

As we expected, serving refreshments at the Wings and Wheels event was not going to be a laid back affair. We were busy from the get go and at one point were serving over 100 slices of cake plus hot and cold drinks an hour. That is a mighty achievement. I would like to thank each and every member who turned up on the day to help, who baked like the Birds factory and who helped set up and take down the stall. We had an exhausting but very rewarding day boosted by raising hundreds of pounds for the Air Ambulance and Beaumond House and giving our own funds a good boost too. Well Done Everyone.Take a look at these lovely photos from the day.
Hobnobbing in Harrogate
18 Sept 15

Look who I found l at the Centennial Fair in Harrogate, none other than our our National Federation Chair Janice Langley. She is always bright and energetic, although she must have very busy days keeping up with all the diary dates around the country, especially in this special 100th birthday year.
Nicola and Lorraine get all hippy in a field of tents
24 July 15

Nicola and Lorraine visited the Tea & Tents festival at Walesby Scout Camp.
Lots of varied activities were on offer from canoeing, tomahawk throwing, flower crown making and self defence. It was a wonderful weekend of meeting other women from institutes all around the country and reaffirming that the WI is a thriving and forward looking movement and one to be proud of. Take a look at the Tea & Tents gallery for pics of the Wizard of Oz yarn bomb
Lots of varied activities were on offer from canoeing, tomahawk throwing, flower crown making and self defence. It was a wonderful weekend of meeting other women from institutes all around the country and reaffirming that the WI is a thriving and forward looking movement and one to be proud of. Take a look at the Tea & Tents gallery for pics of the Wizard of Oz yarn bomb
Sheila and Jenny do us proud and say it with flowers
2 July 15

Newstead Flower Festival was another part of the WI Centenary Celebrations. Sheila and Jenny spent weeks planning the arrangement and if you follow this link - you will see how it went.
Our Croquet Evening - the pics are here
2 July 15

Travelling Books
12 June 15
We now have most of the 100 books stickered and complete with a book plate. We would love for you to take a book or two away with you on your holidays and just leave it around for others to find. We hope that finders will drop us a line and tell us where they found the book and did thy enjoy it. It helps to spread the word about AKSWI and the WI movement. One book has already found its way to Chattanooga , how far will the others get. Please ask Lorraine or Jayne if you can take some books with you and spread the WI word.
Centenary Cake - should I eat it or save it?
12 June 15

I was given a slender slice of cake from the Albert Hall Conference. I have resisted the urge to try it so far. I cant decide weather to save it in a memory box or delight in the flavours with a cup of tea.
Hmm. What would you do?
Oh! Did we Zumba
12 June 15

Evi led us all a merry dance in the best possible way. We danced around the room to Latin Rhythms and had a jolly good giggle.
I have put a couple of photos in the gallery, do go and take a look.
Congratulations to Mo
12 June 15

Mo Walker became a June bride last week as she married her long time beau Nigel. She looked glorious on the day with just enough breeze to make her hold on to her hat !
Following her honeymoon in Venice we will welcome back the new Mrs Gray-Miller
Our best wishes to the happy couple
County Show Entry
18 May 15

Jenny Q and Lorraine were busy putting together an entry for the county show to reflect our WI. We hope that the finished article, which Jenny jazzed up with fresh flowers, reflected the fun and games that we get up to.
Also the Centenary bunting was put together by Notts Fed to be admired. Each WI submitted a pennant of their WI. It wasn't easy getting three villages represented on such a small triangle of fabric, but there is the river made of ric-rac braiding with glass beads on, a fabric photo of Staythorpe signal box and Kelham Hall embroidered and silver drama masks for the RHT. We are looking forward to seeing it out on lots of other occasions.
Also the Centenary bunting was put together by Notts Fed to be admired. Each WI submitted a pennant of their WI. It wasn't easy getting three villages represented on such a small triangle of fabric, but there is the river made of ric-rac braiding with glass beads on, a fabric photo of Staythorpe signal box and Kelham Hall embroidered and silver drama masks for the RHT. We are looking forward to seeing it out on lots of other occasions.

This shows the almost finished exhibit, but I think it reveals more how much Jenny likes getting stuck in with the crafting.
18 may 15
The County Quiz is at Winthorpe on 1st June, we will have 4 teams of 4 players, an email has been sent to all the entrants regarding lifts, if you haven't heard anything, give Lorraine a call.
Minutes Minuted Here
7 May 15

We heard you ....The committee were getting feedback that the business meeting whilst necessary was well....dull !
So, we are going to allow more coffee time to chat and read the Red Book.We will trial not reading out the full minutes but just the latest info you need to know and asking that you take a moment to read the minutes online first. You will find them listed as 'MINUTES' under the 'MONTHLY MEETING' drop down tab. There will still be a couple of hard copies available on the night for those members not on the web. PLEASE take a moment to read before the meeting so that you can raise anything under matters arising. Lets see how it goes.
So, we are going to allow more coffee time to chat and read the Red Book.We will trial not reading out the full minutes but just the latest info you need to know and asking that you take a moment to read the minutes online first. You will find them listed as 'MINUTES' under the 'MONTHLY MEETING' drop down tab. There will still be a couple of hard copies available on the night for those members not on the web. PLEASE take a moment to read before the meeting so that you can raise anything under matters arising. Lets see how it goes.
Anyone for Croquet?
7 May 15

We have booked for croquet at Morton on 18th June - Have you booked your place?
It's a great fun evening - don't miss out, get your name down with Shelia..
It's a great fun evening - don't miss out, get your name down with Shelia..
Jacket Potato and Pud for £3 - bargain
7 May 15
As is traditional for our resolution meeting, we are going to have supper tonight, but as we now have the use of the theaters kitchen, we are going to make the most of it and serve a two course supper. A £3 contribution will be collected on the night. I am looking forward to seeing how the RHT can enhance our WI activities and to a lively discussion about the resolution subject - Assessment of need in long term care, which is being delivered by Barbara Kirby (a committee supporter)
Badges and Bling
20 Apr 15
Really pleased to show off our new badges for the president, committee and supporters. If you have a question or need pointing in the right direction, just see one of our 'blinged up' ladies. They are so smart we will want to wear them each month for sure.
Bring in Your Paperback Books
for the Centenary Book Race
20 Apr 15

Lots of books came in at the last meeting but we will still need more, keep bringing them in for our Centenary project. Jayne has been busy getting the stickers stuck in.
We know some books have already been left in Bruges, USA and some will soon head to Lithuania all being well.
We are looking to have 100 books, label them with a book plate and leave the book in a popular place - maybe a holiday or a tourist attraction encouraging people to pick up and take the book away to read for free. It will promote The WI and AKSWI .
We know some books have already been left in Bruges, USA and some will soon head to Lithuania all being well.
We are looking to have 100 books, label them with a book plate and leave the book in a popular place - maybe a holiday or a tourist attraction encouraging people to pick up and take the book away to read for free. It will promote The WI and AKSWI .
News from March AGM
Thank you for such a solid turnout for the AGM. I have updated the committee details on the 'About Us' page, but want to give a big pat on the back to Hilary Pacey who has taken on the role of treasurer and our grateful thanks to Nicola Walker for performing the role over the past 5 years.
Change of Venue continues
Robin Hood Theatre for March and April meetings
4th March 15
South Muskham Village Hall is still not quite ready for us to use at the moment so we have arranged to use the theatre for the March and April meetings. We will continue to use the theatre as our home from this point on.
It is a shame that we wont be able to give a final thank you and farewell to SMVH as it would have been wonderful to have witnessed the transformation after many years of planning and fundraising. I am sure we all wish SMVH and the committee a successful future.
It is a shame that we wont be able to give a final thank you and farewell to SMVH as it would have been wonderful to have witnessed the transformation after many years of planning and fundraising. I am sure we all wish SMVH and the committee a successful future.
Treasurer needed
11 Jan 14

Nicola Walker has been our treasurer for a number of years and done a wonderful job. Quite fairly, she thinks it is time a new treasurer took their turn. Traditionally, the treasurers role has been seen as scary and complicated and 'not for me'. However, I have pressed Nicola really hard and she says that now the accounts are online it is a much easier role. If you can spare a couple of hours a month to tot up the cash collected at the meetings, pop the totals onto the computer and nip the money to the bank with a banking slip, then you can easily become our new treasurer. The good news is that Nicola has offered to help the new lady settle fully into the role and will always be on hand to help out. Please give it a thought and you can call Nicola or me for a chat before committing to anything.
Importantly, we cannot function as a WI without a treasurer
Importantly, we cannot function as a WI without a treasurer
New Year - New Home
11 Nov 14

Members voted to move our meetings to the Robin Hood Theatre from May 2015. There had been a lot of debate about moving to find the right fit for our growing membership and it is hoped that the theatre will provide a home for us for many years to come. The RHTC have also kindly offered us space to store our bits and pieces which are currently split between members homes, relying on good will and a good memory to know what is kept where. It will be lovely to be back on 'home turf' and will see that the theatre settles again into a familiar community facility.
Foodbank for Christmas

We have previously made a collection to Newark Foodbank and have decided to collect again for this cause at our xmas party. It would be lovely if we could hit a target of 100 items. Tinned food, dried food, shampoo, cereals, tea bags, lots of things can be donated. Here is the link so you can check their shopping list.
Remembrance 11th November
11 Nov 14

Few visitors to see the poppies this year could fail to be moved by the sheer number of poppies displayed at the Tower of London, each representing a life lost.
We remember those who gave their lives in conflict to protect the freedom we are privileged to have today.
We remember those who gave their lives in conflict to protect the freedom we are privileged to have today.
Indoor Bowling
20 Oct 14

Sheila and Lorraine spent a entertaining afternoon learning the art of indoor bowling. Whilst Sheila already plays carpet bowls, this was a whole new skill. The woods are weighted so the bowls do not follow a straight line and there was much hilarity just trying to keep the bowl in the green. Definitely one to try.
Group Meeting 17th October 2.30pm
Tears of the Dragon - a talk on pearls Southwell WI Hall
6 Nov 14

The group meeting at Southwell WI Hall went really well, many ladies turned out dressed in their pearls and the speaker Frances Benton couldn't have been better. Frances supports a charity for street children in Durban and sounds like she has a varied and busy life. Currently, alongside her talks and pearl sales, she arranges concerts for a baroque orchestra and teaches pearl knotting at Denman College. The pearls were so lovely when seen altogether and Frances told us about the shapes and the varied colours. Federation President Jane Jefferson accepted our invitation to attend and sent a thank you card saying how much she enjoyed the afternoon. We also know that she succumbed to buying some pearls - along with myself and a few others. Well, they were so beautiful.
MacMillan Coffee Morning
25 Sept 14
It was a super morning, very busy and very enjoyable with lots of wonderful cakes and things to buy. Congratulations to Carol for raising £650 for this charity
Presidents Garden Party
30th August 2014 3 pm
31 Aug 14

A little breeze fluttered our bunting on this warm afternoon. Over 20 ladies came along to enjoy the gathering. The garden was 'Yarn Bombed' with specially crocheted bunting for the occasion and it looked funky and fun.Thank you to Janine, Sharon, Linda and Hannah for doing that for us. Needless to say, tea was huge and delicious with cakes galore.http://akswi.weebly.com/garden-party-2014.html
Guest of Honour was Audrey March, who has been a WI member for over 50 years. She was presented with a WI china tea cup and saucer and a commemoration brooch.
Guest of Honour was Audrey March, who has been a WI member for over 50 years. She was presented with a WI china tea cup and saucer and a commemoration brooch.
Wings and Wheels Event - reaching for the sky
16 August 2014
18th Aug

WOW ! Oh Wow. We reached for the sky and made WI magic happen.
What a busy, busy day for the WI Tea and Cake stall. It was all hands on deck to put up the tents, bake the cakes, set the tables, make the tea, replenish the goodies and serve with a smile - and then put it all away again.
We should be very proud of our group for putting our best foot forward at the Wings and Wheels event. All of the bakers and helpers deserve a huge pat on the back for serving hundreds of hot drinks and hundreds of pieces of cake to grateful customers, many of whom found it difficult to choose from the delicious array of cakes in front of them. As this was our first time doing anything on this scale, we have learned lessons for next time, but we were still smiling at the end of the day, although few of us managed time to see many planes.
We have raised hundreds for our own funds and for the Air Ambulance and Beaumont House. Thank you to Waitrose who sponsored tea and coffee and to Nick of Newark Caravans who supplied the gala tent for us. My grateful thanks to all of you for showing everyone what a capable bunch of ladies we are.
You can enjoy some of the photos here lhttp://akswi.weebly.com/wings-and-wheels-fundraiser-14.html
What a busy, busy day for the WI Tea and Cake stall. It was all hands on deck to put up the tents, bake the cakes, set the tables, make the tea, replenish the goodies and serve with a smile - and then put it all away again.
We should be very proud of our group for putting our best foot forward at the Wings and Wheels event. All of the bakers and helpers deserve a huge pat on the back for serving hundreds of hot drinks and hundreds of pieces of cake to grateful customers, many of whom found it difficult to choose from the delicious array of cakes in front of them. As this was our first time doing anything on this scale, we have learned lessons for next time, but we were still smiling at the end of the day, although few of us managed time to see many planes.
We have raised hundreds for our own funds and for the Air Ambulance and Beaumont House. Thank you to Waitrose who sponsored tea and coffee and to Nick of Newark Caravans who supplied the gala tent for us. My grateful thanks to all of you for showing everyone what a capable bunch of ladies we are.
You can enjoy some of the photos here lhttp://akswi.weebly.com/wings-and-wheels-fundraiser-14.html
Antwerp Trip is Underway
12 Aug 14

Jenny Q and 6 other intrepid travellers set off this morning on this years AKSWI Overseas Outing.
No doubt there will be fun and frolics ahead with lots of laughter.
Watch this space for the low down on who did what and what
happened to whom, on their return.
No doubt there will be fun and frolics ahead with lots of laughter.
Watch this space for the low down on who did what and what
happened to whom, on their return.
Walking Tour of Newark
4 August - Evening
4 August 14

Jenny Q did a grand job of guiding us around Newark for the tour. We are lucky to live in a place rich in history, the trick is to know the signs to look for. It was a great evening with a dozen of us enjoying the walk and it was nice that the chaps joined in too. The chip supper and the blackberrying along the route added to the fun.

We wandered along the riverside and around side streets looking for the remains of Newark's once thriving malting industry.
Many former kilns have been converted into flats including the imposing and handsome Warwick Brewery. We ate supper in the castle grounds before the park keeper chucked us out. And before you ask, some beer was tasted for those curious to try the product.
Many former kilns have been converted into flats including the imposing and handsome Warwick Brewery. We ate supper in the castle grounds before the park keeper chucked us out. And before you ask, some beer was tasted for those curious to try the product.
WI Baton Arrives at Averham
Monday 16th June 14
19 June 14

Around 20 ladies dressed in a floral theme greeted the ladies of Morton Fiskerton and Rolleston WI who delivered the baton - complete with embroidered cushion and protective bag
We had gathered at the Robin Hood Theater for the handover and Maureen Justice had made a delicious strawberry cream cake - much like the one on our programme cards. We ate our cake and washed it down with pink fizz and there was a really jolly atmosphere. It was lovely to see so many ladies gathered for this historical event. Steve Bull a local resident and partner of a new member took our photos from many angles showing all the ladies enjoying the refreshments.
Members then took two cars to Upton WI for the next part of the relay. The lead car was white and dressed in WI green ribbon and it received many curious looks from passing motorists. Once handed over the baton was walked to Southwell WI to finish its travels for the day.
We had gathered at the Robin Hood Theater for the handover and Maureen Justice had made a delicious strawberry cream cake - much like the one on our programme cards. We ate our cake and washed it down with pink fizz and there was a really jolly atmosphere. It was lovely to see so many ladies gathered for this historical event. Steve Bull a local resident and partner of a new member took our photos from many angles showing all the ladies enjoying the refreshments.
Members then took two cars to Upton WI for the next part of the relay. The lead car was white and dressed in WI green ribbon and it received many curious looks from passing motorists. Once handed over the baton was walked to Southwell WI to finish its travels for the day.
Lorraine visits Denman College, Oxford
23 May 14

Read all about her visit by clicking HERE or click on the ''Denman College' tab
Visit Denman's own website and take a look around for yourself.
Visit Denman's own website and take a look around for yourself.
Miller's Milestone
23 May 14
![]() Ann Miller
- 50 years and counting. Click HERE or follow the 'Activities - Special Events' tab to read more about Ann's 50 years with AKS WI. |
En Guarde !
17 April 14

On the 10th April Jayne and Lorraine took up their weapons with Nickola Beck and Malc Cawton (pictured) of Chilwell Blades Fencing Club and ventured into the world of fencing. En Guarde!
We found it to be an energetic and lively way to keep fit but the restricting protective clothing and the metal face mask made it very hot work. However, we can now say that we have fenced with a Veteran world title holder...and a very fit one at that. Touché
We found it to be an energetic and lively way to keep fit but the restricting protective clothing and the metal face mask made it very hot work. However, we can now say that we have fenced with a Veteran world title holder...and a very fit one at that. Touché
New President and Committee Elected
18 March 14
Our AGM was held in March and Lorraine Bousfield was re-elected as President for a further year. Seven committee members and three committee supporters take up their new roles from April.
New Web Page Launched for AKS WI
17 March 14

17th March saw two members travel to County House in Newark to begin the build of our new
website. This was a new skill and definitely a steep learning curve.
This site will be developed further to update you with exciting news and information about upcoming activities at AKSWI.
website. This was a new skill and definitely a steep learning curve.
This site will be developed further to update you with exciting news and information about upcoming activities at AKSWI.